
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Back to the Present!!

Hello All!

Now we get to time travel to the present!! Thank you everyone for photos. Some of the Kirkendalls just can't escape my photo sources. You can stay silent but you can't hide!! Unfortunately I don't know all the names in some of these photos and I'm guessing on some of the kids, so sorry for any mix ups!!

Some good looking Kirkendalls!!

Vickie and Mark

Floyd, Darlene & lots of family

Miles & Chris (middle) kids, Chase (far left), Andrew (far right) and Cara (middle) - (I heard I mixed the boys up so I just changed it. Hope it's right now.)

Val, Keith (middle) & sons Shawn (far left) & Brad (far right)
Darlene & Garth
Blaine & girls Danielle, Robyn & Shawna

Picture 4373 - back row - Chelsea Gray(Deans oldest), Shawna Gray(Blaines youngest), Wynter Beaudin(Darlene youngest), Nikita Beaudin(Darlene oldest), Robyn Gray(Blaines middle), Dylan Beaudin(Darlenes middle)
on the floor - Shayna Gray(Deans middle), Alisa Pritchard(Deans youngest) and Danielle Gray(Blaines oldest)
Dean, Lisa & Kids (left to right) Chelsea, Alisia, Shayna

Joe Gray, Dylan & Jan Gray 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Reunion Count

Hello All!

The reunion is quickly approaching!! I have heard that some of the Aunties are getting to work on the cooking. We are all so lucky!!  News is we have somewhat of a count on attendees. I am listing what I know and sorry for not knowing some of the names:

Lynn & Jan Christiansen (Ferguson) - childhood friend
Bill & Rose Delorme - cousin
Ed & Judy Delorme - cousin
Len Friesen - cousin

Ken & Gail & family - Ken only for one day (?) not sure about Kendace and Darren - would love to see them!
Miles & family - still considering
Floyd & Darlene - yes
Darlene's kids & family - yes
Margie Jean - yes
Dawn's family - yes
Lisa's family - yes
Vickie & Mark - yes
Kyle - yes
Brandi - yes
Val & Keith - yes
Shawn & Shama - maybe
Brad & Vanessa - yes if baby doesn't arrive early!

Norene - yes
Blaine & girls - yes
Darlene & Garth  & family - yes
Dean & family - yes

Vi & Ed
Cleo & Joe & Claire - yes
Sarah & Jas & new baby - yes
Barry & Linda - yes
Aaron - yes
April & Cole & Taka - regretfully no
Derrick & Lisa & boys - Jonathon, Colby & Jordan - yes

Lee & Klaus - yes
Tana, John, Louis and Molly - yes
Krista & family - yes
wow - I hope I didn't miss anyone and if I got any names wrong let me know.


Here's some more photos from the past - thank you Lynn and Norene!

Lee and Lynn - looking cute as buttons! Although it looks like Lee stole some of her older sister's lipstick...

Big town shopping - was that in Calgary?

Friesen family and Delorme Family - Bill and Ed are coming to the reunion!

Friesens and Delormes

Great family photo - more big hair!

This is a classic - 25th Anniversary.

 Note: Next blog is BACK TO THE FUTURE FAMILY!! I need pics of you and kids etc. It's our first introduction before we see each other at the end of July. SEND ME YOUR PICS - 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Classy Couples

 Now these are some classy couples. These are our parents, grandparents, great grandparents and we can all be proud. After all you are related to them!

REMINDER: Please e-mail me to confirm your attendance and send cheques to me so that we can buy the food! 

More blogging to come - recipes, up to date photos of your cousins, second cousins and whatever they are!