
Sunday, February 20, 2011

BIG HAIR, blog 1 & What is Family? by Lee

Yes, this is the Big Hair blog number 1 because there is still more to come. (My scanner crapped out so I couldn't scan the others that I found, ha ha.) I hope you enjoy this array of beautiful hair!

I have a feeling the big hair contest winners might be Norene or Lee.  I don't have many of Auntie Helen so if you have any big hair photos please send them to me and I will post them. 

Here is a poignant definition of family sent to me by Auntie Lee


What is a Family????

Family are people in your life who you may be related to by blood, marriage or choice...

Often for a life time (yours or theirs)

People who you hold dear and would generally  do anything to help them when needed.....

---- including making personal sacrifices for
and whom you generally agree to accept NO MATTER WHAT

They may be someone you see daily or infrequently but, the bond remains, and stands the test of time, distance and overrides almost any  challenges, acceptance, tolerance and appreciation!

Lee Jarchow
February 2011

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